Appropriation of the garden through painting: in search of paradise.
For several years, my painting has been focused on gardens. I have always been drawn to this place, whether through contemplation, walking or simply gardening. It is also by using pruning shears and all the gardener's tools that I became particularly close to plants. By digging, sowing and weeding, in short, it is by taking part in it with my body, by experiencing it, that I began to want to take as a model what I had sown. I wanted to work the garden, to appropriate it, with a means that is specific to me: painting.
The first canvases were first made from the memory of an emotion in front of this garden. Then very quickly, I settled in the very place of this emotion. In front of the motif. The canvases did not become more figurative, but the relationship between the landscape and me changed. No longer placing myself in front of the landscape - or even facing a memory - but "in" the landscape, in the garden, changed my way of feeling this environment and thus, my artistic approach.
I paint in series, on canvases stretched on wooden frames, mainly with oil paint.