b.1983, lives and works in London. She graduated from the Slade School of Fine Art, UCL, with MFA in Painting in 2014.

Ayse Kucuk works primarily with installation, sound and painting. Through installations fusing diverse media including organic material within a synesthetic framework, Kucuk’s practice is informed by the emotional and physical nature of sensory experience. In particular, haptic and sonic qualities of her work complement visuality and poetic sensibility.

Recent exhibitions and projects include: Homegrown, Hauser&Wirth. Athletic Ground, Bow Arts Project Space, London, Artist Statement, CICA Museum, Korea; Stay with Me, 21er Haus Museum of Contemporary Art, Vienna; Corridor Project Space, Amsterdam; Griffin Gallery Open, London; SoundCOLLECTIVE, New Media Fest, Cologne; Prizma Open Space, PrizmaSpace, Istanbul.

She has been selected for The Olive Award, The Spirit of Experimentation, UK; 100 Painters of Tomorrow (shortlist), UK; Griffin Art Prize, UK.