It was by working and drawing in more than forty countries that Marc Raynaud learned to discern differences and play with contrasts.
French of origin, it was in Canada that he began his career painting the great outdoors and the energy of Rock'n roll. Then it was Asia which, for many years, nourished his sensitivity and the subtlety of his brush. Then in Africa, Marc's drawings became more raw, simple and direct. Today it is the light of southern Italy that guides his hand.
Stimulated by two exceptional teachers from the Ateliers des Beaux-arts in Paris, Marc has been expressing himself through his collages for around ten years and developing an original style and a personal technique, halfway between the figurative and the abstract. His paintings look like paintings but are not, they are only pasted paper.
In a world where photography and its instantaneous power reign, this slower path is for him an opportunity to contemplate what surrounds him and to build bridges between classic and modernity.
From his two workshops located opposite Capri and near the Atlantic, on the banks of the Adour, Marc has produced fifteen travel diaries from Africa to Asia, via Polynesia, and from Biarritz to the Gulf of Naples, with texts in harmony with his images.
Marc's collages have already been exhibited in London, Milan, Paris, Rome, Suze la Rousse, Saint Laurent de Gosse, Urt and Venice