


Work On Paper


Variations corporelles III - 56 x 76 cm

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Variations corporelles III - 56 x 76 cm

Unique edition
Work On Paper, 2023
56 W x 76 H cm
€780Purchasable via YourArt

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The artwork

Body, Feminism, Intimate
Collage, Ink
1 kgs

The artist Virginie RASMONT

Work On Paper, Alma Mater I - 56 x 76 cm , Virginie RASMONT
Alma Mater I - 56 x 76 cm
Work On Paper, Alma Mater II - 56 x 76 cm , Virginie RASMONT
Alma Mater II - 56 x 76 cm
Work On Paper, In utero II - 56 x 76 cm, Virginie RASMONT
In utero II - 56 x 76 cm
Work On Paper, In utero III - 56 x 76 cm , Virginie RASMONT
In utero III - 56 x 76 cm
Work On Paper, Mer(e) I - 56 x 76 cm, Virginie RASMONT
Mer(e) I - 56 x 76 cm
Work On Paper, Mer(e) II 56 x 76 cm, Virginie RASMONT
Mer(e) II 56 x 76 cm
Work On Paper, Amazone II - 56 x 76 cm, Virginie RASMONT
Amazone II - 56 x 76 cm
Work On Paper, Amazone I - 56 x 76 cm, Virginie RASMONT
Amazone I - 56 x 76 cm
Work On Paper, Corps Astral I - 50 x 70 cm, Virginie RASMONT
Corps Astral I - 50 x 70 cm
Work On Paper, Corps astral II - 50 x 70 cm, Virginie RASMONT
Corps astral II - 50 x 70 cm