

Une belle image du bonheur
This dynamic artwork vividly captures the viewer's attention with its bold and expressive style. The canvas is dominated by four abstract figures rendered in a riot of color and form. Each figure is distinct, marked by sharp lines and vibrant hues, with an emphasis on blues, oranges, and greens against a neutral background. The two figures on the left display intricate patterns reminiscent of tribal or primitive art, adding depth and texture to the piece. Their expressions are abstract yet evocative, hinting at a range of emotions. The central figure in orange offers a stark contrast with its commanding presence.
Jazzu, né en 1983 à Toulouse, est un artiste autodidacte dont la modestie frôle la timidité. Son approche instinctive et sincère de la peinture se distingue par une vitalité qui attire l'attention des galeristes et des collectionneurs. Cela a permis à ses œuvres de côtoyer celles de Combas et Speedy Graphito.

Une belle image du bonheur