Nightgarden III_watercolour on c-print_15x10cm_2024
The series of small colourful works comes from analogue photo prints of the garden of my childhood. My father sent me a small number of images just before the house was sold some years ago.
This is the house I grew up in, obviously I have a lot of memories linked to this place, just like my sisters, my parents and our friends. but if we question how we remember the past, each person retains a different version. The subjective nature of memory interests me, and the stories we tell ourselves; we all need stories to construct our identities, and to make peace with our wounds.
Biosphere, Ecology, Environment
C-print, Watercolor
Raised in Scotland Sarah Knill-Jones studied at the Glasgow School of Art and obtained her Master in Fine Art from the University of the Arts London. Her practice incorporates drawing, video, performance and collaborative experiments, but the core remains centred in, on and around paint, as a visceral, human response to the world we live in.
Nightgarden V_watercolour on c-print_15x10cm_2024
Nightgarden III_watercolour on c-print_15x10cm_2024
Nightgarden II_watercolour on c-print_15x10cm_2024
Nightgarden VI_watercolour on c-print_15x10cm_2024 (1)
NOCOMODO diptych acrylic&oil on canvas 2022
HARPY, Acrylique et huile sur papier, marouflé sur toile, 61 x 107cm 2023
He kissed her plump mellow yellow smeller mellons of her rump, Uysses, Acrylic&Oil on Canvas, 210x140cm 2021