

20th_Cent_MALEViCH_Kasimir Suprematist composition
From the series "Stills" whose image sources are slides. Those slides were once used for art history audience. The source material is visually offered to the viewer in the form of large scale ultra high resolution reproductions. It highlights the materiality and all the traces of time that were accumulated since then, Considering the texture of the reproduced art work, it appears that the slide was shot from a book. Which means that there are 4 layers in the final work: the painting, the book, the slide and Riemer's work.
History Of Art, Tradition & Modernity
Né en 1982 à Oberhausen, Allemagne, Sebastian Riemer est une figure montante de la troisième génération de l'Ecole de Düsseldorf. Exposé dans plusieurs institutions et biennales en Europe et à l'étranger, il figure dans plusieurs collections publiques : en Allemagne Kunstmuseum, Bonn, Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf, Musée de la Ville de Düsseldorf, Musée Folkswang, Essen, Stadtmuseum Munich mais aussi Musée d'Israel, Jerusalem,

LICHTENSTEIN. Roy_Woman in Armshair after Picasso
20th_Cent_MALEViCH_Kasimir Suprematist composition
Speed Skater (Leow), series press paintings