ARTIST / Symona Colina
Studio Symona Colina
Symona Colina

My work is like the wind, perceiving perspective.

A perspective which touches and surrounds me, and in its essence forms the source of my work and sparkles in endless interfaces.

Composing with the shades of rainbow-light…

Brushes in my hand, weaving lines and tunes into the shades…

Words strung like beads on a string fall featherlight on a thin surface…

A song to see…

Rainbow-light grows into whispered words of a high-pitched rhapsody…

A song to see.

Perspective is a dance with colors and lines that follows a melody of outspread wings.

Perspective is a meeting and a clash between length, height and width.

Where I see the world inside of me.

Where I see the world outside of me.

Art has many interfaces with existence.

It is all around in its countless disciplines.

And nevertheless unlimited."

Symona Colina